Academic Catalog

Practical Nursing:

  • General Core Courses: Follow College policy*
  • All new PN students are required take ALHS 1011 and ALHS 1090. The PN Dept. will take transferred students that have both BIO 2113 and 2114 as substitutes for ALHS 1011. If a transfer student has BIO 2113 and declares PN as their program, they may take BIO 2114 instead of ALHS 1011 and the PN department will accept the course. There is no substitute for ALHS 1090
  • Program Science Courses: (ALHS / AHS) must be repeated if five (5) years or older at the time of admission to the college. It is recommended that any course with an ALHS or AHS prefix be repeated if five (5) years or more at the time of admission to the program.
  • Program Technical Courses: (PNSG/NSG/NPT) can only be completed when admitted to the program.

All practical nursing students will be required to take the TEAS (Test of Essential Aptitude Skills) which includes English usage, reading, science and math, for admission to the practical nursing program. Please contact faculty advisors for additional information.


*Courses in Academic Areas I, II, III and IV are always accepted if from an accredited college. There is no cutoff on the number of years a general education course is acceptable at GPTC.